Panasonic Avionics Blog

Connectivity Pulse (VIDEO): The Importance of Catering to Different Connectivity Needs

Written by Panasonic Avionics | Nov 17, 2021 1:00:00 PM

At Panasonic Avionics, we found that 80 percent of passengers want to be connected in-flight, but only 10 percent do get connected. Passengers want an easy-to-use and affordable solution that delivers the same experience they have on the ground. Airlines want to provide a great service and value to their passengers. So, why is this happening?

Every passenger is different. For example, passengers are used to choosing how to connect and pay when they are on the ground, and expect the same in flight. This means that airlines need to cater to a wide range of passenger segments, devices and connectivity needs. The answer is choice. By giving your passengers choice, your airline will not only see an increase in conversions, but also in customer satisfaction. Our connectivity offering is flexible to meet these needs, with access through the Wi-Fi portal, as well as through the passengers’ mobile network operators.

Giving passengers the option of how to connect helps cover a wide range of devices – everything from phones, tablets and laptops to wearables like watches -- and behaviors.  The range of behaviors includes messaging, social media, browsing and streaming, as well as email, VPN access and cloud working. Providing this passenger choice delivers a 200% increase in connected passengers and higher satisfaction.

For more information on our Connectivity Offerings, click here.