Panasonic Avionics Blog

Meaningful Innovation Through Smart Collaboration

Written by pacwebadm | Dec 3, 2019 11:12:39 PM

What does it mean to be innovative?

Since Panasonic's founding 101 years ago, the company has been focused on creating products and services that not only meet customers where they are but show them where the world is headed next. For generations, we've worked hard to bring the wonders of technology into people's lives—from our original lightbulb sockets to household consumer electronics, to live television broadcasting and wireless internet inside more than 3,725 of the world's aircraft.

Today, we're innovating on the idea of innovation itself. Located on the rim of Silicon Valley sits Panasonic Avionics' first Innovation Studio, a collaborative hub where our highly skilled employees and regional partners will work together to create aviation's next big ideas.

Inside the Innovation Studio

Our studio is a place where east meets west. It is influenced by Japan, where our company was founded; Scandinavia, where our first innovation design group is located; and California, the headquarters of Panasonic Avionics and home to Silicon Valley, the heart of innovation.

These three regions of the world are known for challenging the status quo, as well as their appreciation for meaningful innovation to benefit humankind and for having an eye for beauty and design. We tried to reflect and blend that in the design and aesthetics of this studio, while at the same time creating a very functional space.

At the Innovation Studio, Panasonic will co-create with airlines, innovation partners, and startups to investigate, illuminate, and implement new ways of transforming the passenger experience in a socially collaborative environment.

“At the Innovation Studio, Panasonic will co-create with airlines, innovation partners, and startups to investigate, illuminate, and implement new ways of transforming the passenger experience in a socially collaborative environment.”

David Bartlett
CTO of Panasonic Avionics

Collaboration at the Heart of New Opportunities

As technology-based experiences advance and continue to change rapidly, they reset expectations for people and businesses worldwide. Our new Innovation Studio—the first of five planned studios to be established around the world—is dedicated to advancing the pace and impact of innovation in ways that will enhance and enrich the future inflight travel experience for passengers around the globe while providing airlines with new business opportunities.

With our Innovation Studio program, our goals are:

  • To be increasingly open and collaborative, in order to accelerate Panasonic Avionics’ impact. We believe that collaboration amplifies innovation, and for that, we need more curated face-to-face interactions with our partners. This is designed to increase transparency between groups, cross-pollinate ideas, and reduce silos—within the company, and with our partners and customers.
  • To be a productive workplace while also showcasing innovation. Our goal is to provide an ergonomic, inspiring space and work environment which compliments design-thinking, discovery, and consensus.
  • To promote the creative process by embracing experimentation, workshopping, and multidisciplinary cross-collaboration. We're focused on the Big Picture, yes—but we're also deeply invested in using an iterative, user experience (UX)-led process to design our future solutions.
  • To become a networking and connection point for the people and companies who love change, who love to challenge, and who love to deliver great things that make people's lives better. We're here to create the Fourth Place, which will transform the act of traveling into a rich passenger experience where no experiential stone is left unturned.

Travel is one of the biggest global industries. The business of moving people and making them feel at ease, comfortable, connected, engaged, and inspired during that time continues to hold immense potential.

Panasonic Avionics has proudly delivered innovative products and solutions for decades. Now, we are redefining the future of travel through open collaboration and a UX-minded mission. Our Innovation Studios will forge new connections and deepen existing ones, bringing the future of the passenger experience into sharp focus. We want you to come along for the ride.

Visit our innovation page to learn more about the Panasonic Avionics Innovation Studio and how we, working together, can amplify innovation.