The Panasonic Avionics Multi-Orbit Network Delivers World Class Connectivity Experience

Devon Jordan / November 7, 2022 / 2 min read

Today's airline passengers are more connected than they ever have been before, with nearly 9 in 10 bringing a smartphone on their flight according to a study from Panasonic Avionics earlier this year. With so many passengers bringing their connected devices on board, airlines are working harder than ever to deliver exceptional passenger experiences.

In-flight connectivity is a core feature of the airline and passenger relationship and is an opportunity for any airline to surprise and delight passengers. Passengers want a connectivity experience in-flight that is similar to on the ground, and the best way to fast-track this is through our multi-orbit network.

Panasonic Avionics and OneWeb

Panasonic Avionics is thrilled to announce that we have entered into a distribution agreement with OneWeb, a revolutionary in-flight connectivity provider to use their high-speed, low latency LEO network. Combining low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite services with our industry leading geo-stationary (GEO) network delivers in-flight connectivity without compromise. A true multi-orbit approach that allows airlines and passengers to take full advantage of the strengths of both systems.

Adding LEO to our Network: A More Responsive Connectivity Experience

Adding LEO to our network enables Panasonic Avionics to deliver a consistent and even more resilient passenger experience globally; no matter where airlines fly. LEO satellite constellations orbit the Earth between 500 and 1,200 km and deliver much lower latency speeds, which gives passengers a more responsive connectivity experience. As well as delivering download speeds approaching 200 Mbps, our LEO service also provides return speeds of up to 32 Mbps, which delivers faster upload speeds, great for passengers who want to share, post, and send content in-flight.

GEO and LEO: Flexibility and Performance

We take the best from the ever-evolving market and embrace new technologies to rapidly deliver market-leading solutions and value to customers. The addition of LEO, combined with our GEO network, will make our industry-leading global network even more resilient. With hundreds of LEO satellites operating closer to Earth and access to the open GEO market, our network is equipped to easily meet the growing demands of passengers as well as give us the flexibility to meet the evolving needs of our customers.

The combination of LEO with GEO delivers truly global coverage with LEO covering high latitudes and remote polar regions where GEO doesn’t have coverage, and GEO covering countries where LEO has yet to be approved for use.

Panasonic Avionics Multi-Orbit Inflight Connectivity

Delivering a Best-in-Class Passenger Experience

Airlines want to provide their passengers with the best possible in-flight connectivity experience, enabling them to continue working, keep in touch with family and friends, and access streaming video and music content with their apps of choice. With both LEO and GEO networks, coupled with the tools to enable payments, monitor service, and evaluate passenger experience, Panasonic can provide our airline customers with all that at market-competitive pricing with no overage charges. Through our passenger portal, passengers can easily connect and pay for in-flight connectivity using a variety of payment options. Airlines can then measure and evaluate the passenger experience against their benchmarks, helping them to make informed decisions and adjustments to their connectivity offerings.

By giving airlines the tools they need to enhance their connectivity offering, they are in turn able to ensure their passengers remain connected with a consistent, high-speed experience – anywhere in the world.